hik hik hik hik!!!!
arini pagi2 da g TS.. g men bowling... yeeeba yeeeba.. tapi malangnye tepon ku yang 017 tuh tertinggal di rumah.. huk huk.. yg 012 tu lak ilangggggggggggggggggggg!!!!! uwaaaaa :( sedeyhhhh!! cemana laaa ley tercicir kan.. huk huk... skali kak nad kasi taw phone tu skang selamat berada di bwah jagaan kak nad.. ngeeeee... tq kak nad.. i leb u!! hahaha.. Ling.. sowi ko xdpt kontet aku nak kasi taw yg ko nak g bawak cik mila g HKL lawat maya.. ngeeee... sowi ye aci!!! aku janji nnt aku jaga pone aku baek2 punyer ok!!!! wakakakkaka...
so lepas men boling kitowang g shupping sket.. heheh.. arini xda laa bli apa sgt.. tgh2 jln tu skali ternampak ada satu bantal ni cute sgt gambo cj7.. so myra beli laaa.. nk kasi hadiah tuk dak notty sepital tuh.. hehehe..
lepas shupping terus g makan kat old town TS.. yummy.. kite makan bihun Tom Yam.. tingat lak kat Fit n Capek masa jd body guard aku teman aku g CM dlu.. ngeeee... lepas makan terus parents aku anta aku g sepital jmp dak notty itew.. kekek...
arini dia nampak lg bersemangat dari semalam.. da banyak cakap daa.. kakaka... makan lagi banyak kata kakak dia.. tp makan ubat sikit punyer susah dowang kata.. sampai kakak dia ngadu kat myra ler.. aiyooo maya notty sgt taw.. hahaha... lama gak r dok situ tadik dua jam ada laa kot.. tgggu gak geng DFC n DaVom tp.. lama sgt tggu dowang xsampai so.. myra terpaksa undur diri dulu.. ye r malam ni kan gangstarz... heheheh.... ouh ya.. tadi sampai je terus kasi bantal cute tu kat maya.. ske dia dapat bantal tuh.. xberenti peluk bantal tuh.. patung cj7 yg myra kasi semalam pon adaje lagi kat sebelah dia.. kakak dia ckp.. dowang kasi nama cj7 tu en.Goji.. aiyakkkkk... pape lerrrr.. asalkan dia ttp cute.. wakakakka...
hurm... bout gangstarz??? agak menyedihkan.. komen yg dowang terima teruk sgttt... cian dowang.. tahniah to Paragon coz menang challange tis week.. ngeee.. kelakar laa dowang punye iklan.. RJ.. oh.. RJ.. wakakkakakak... hurm.. my choosen group dua2 dapat low marks from juries.. huhu.. sian dowang..
D'Raz with their Menjaga Hati...
hurm.. for me it was good.. i leb their feeling for the song.. i love to see ayu's face expression it was gewd enough.. Rio.. ofcoz i like his style to perform for this song.. really.. really.. like.. hurm.. zoel.. ofcoz his voice so gewd.. so.. i dont think that their bad in performing that song.. for me it was good!!! they deserved to get 4 starz not 3 as the juries gave to them..
One Nation Emcees with their 4 Minutes..
they was good.. performing this kind of song they need energy n attitude.. but i think they had gave their full energy already.. i like the way mimi sing n dance for this song.. it was so sharp.. i think their performance not as bad as the juries says... ya.. really.. it wasn't bad actually.. they deserve more starz.. 4 starz maybe..
if there was any elimination juz now.. i think 3 Voices or Akasia deserve to been eliminated.. their performance not as good as others.. so.. i really hope next concert they will be more confident to give the best for their supporters ya!!! gewd luck guyz!!
huh... ok laa... sampai sini je myra nak citer.. myra nak siapkan 3 tag yang telah diberi.. ngeee.. 1-tag from ling, 2 n 3- from OKF syg... wahhhhh... over suda... wakkakakak..
ok... sa mo undur diri dulu.. daaa...
hurm... bout gangstarz??? agak menyedihkan.. komen yg dowang terima teruk sgttt... cian dowang.. tahniah to Paragon coz menang challange tis week.. ngeee.. kelakar laa dowang punye iklan.. RJ.. oh.. RJ.. wakakkakakak... hurm.. my choosen group dua2 dapat low marks from juries.. huhu.. sian dowang..
D'Raz with their Menjaga Hati...
hurm.. for me it was good.. i leb their feeling for the song.. i love to see ayu's face expression it was gewd enough.. Rio.. ofcoz i like his style to perform for this song.. really.. really.. like.. hurm.. zoel.. ofcoz his voice so gewd.. so.. i dont think that their bad in performing that song.. for me it was good!!! they deserved to get 4 starz not 3 as the juries gave to them..
One Nation Emcees with their 4 Minutes..
they was good.. performing this kind of song they need energy n attitude.. but i think they had gave their full energy already.. i like the way mimi sing n dance for this song.. it was so sharp.. i think their performance not as bad as the juries says... ya.. really.. it wasn't bad actually.. they deserve more starz.. 4 starz maybe..
if there was any elimination juz now.. i think 3 Voices or Akasia deserve to been eliminated.. their performance not as good as others.. so.. i really hope next concert they will be more confident to give the best for their supporters ya!!! gewd luck guyz!!
huh... ok laa... sampai sini je myra nak citer.. myra nak siapkan 3 tag yang telah diberi.. ngeee.. 1-tag from ling, 2 n 3- from OKF syg... wahhhhh... over suda... wakkakakak..
ok... sa mo undur diri dulu.. daaa...
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